Monday, February 23, 2009

Best & Worst

THE HILLS STARTS AGAIN SOON!!!!!! Another season..... I cannot believe it!!!! The trailor looks amazing... apparently Heidi and Lauren might be making up.. omg omg omg I am SO excited! I have to find out when it starts ASAP. I bet it will be Summer... oh well.

ANYWAY- Onto Oscar night!!! Fashion police was super fun to watch.

Best dressed: Natlie Portman... I completely agree. She looked AMAZING. My favorite color is pink and I have a BCBG shorter dress that looks kinda like this one that I bought last season! Can't wait to break it out Saturday night for sure!

Rodarte did her FABULOUS. look at that detailing... so different from what you would normally expect, like the whole unfinished look. Definitely A+

Onto worst dressed.. Of COURSE it was Jessica Biel. I called it the first second I saw her walk onto the red carpet.

AWFUL bodice!! ewwww and the weird way the lower half is shaped. it is just a mess. AND THE SHOES. A closed round toed suede looking black shoe..............what in the hell. NO NO NO NO!!!


Thats enough about that. Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Sarah Jessica Parker, Penelope Cruz and Amy Adams were some of my favs as well.

Take note fashion lovers!! Red, White, Cream and PINK are the colors for the season!!! Not to mention, go easy on the jewelry so you don't overpower a feminine dress, and also look for dresses in geometric shapes and tiered layers to make a powerful statement on their own.

So yay for award season coming to an end and yay for bright spring colors!!!!



1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

natalies dress is amazing!