Sunday, February 15, 2009

what a hectic week. I started my internship at Dillard's and I worked 40 hours in less than 5 days. It is crazyness, my feet are swollen and gross and i'm extremely tired. I am not use to working :(

It's okay though, I am sure it will get better as the next 9 weeks go on. I'm supposedly suppose to get offered a job as an area sales manager after it is over, but that might require re-locating... which i'm not too thrilled about. Maybe if it was in the southern part of texas or farther west like Cali or something.. but New Mexico? Or El Paso...?? I don't think so.

We'll see what happens. Here are some pics from my last day of freedom out at the lake


I miss that day already.

dress & shoes- thrifted



Stephanie said...

Looks soooo peaceful!!
Thanks for visiting the scrapbook!

Elizabeth said...

the shoes are absolutly amazing! :-)

Peaches said...

Hey I'm submitting my resume to Dillard's reps tomorrow at a career fair...what was the name of the internship u applied for?